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Now Hiring - Real Estate Sales Agent in Mount Kisco, NY

Real Estate Sales Agent in Mount Kisco, NY

J. Philip Real Estate
Base Salary Yes (amount not posted)
Total Comp: NA
Qualifications Years In Sales
Industry: Professional Services
Benefits: yes
Customer Size: all
Car Allowance: no
Sales Cycle: Short
Travel: none
Years Selling in Industry:
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Location: Mount Kisco, NY
(div class="row top-margin desc"( (h3((b((b(Job Description(/b((/b((/h3( (p(A Real Estate Sales Agent is a real estate agent who manages the sale of residential properties for clients. In this role, clients will rely on you to sell their property expediently and for the best possible value. You will research local market activity and stay up-to-date on industry trends. Real estate transactions can be an intimidating process, so you must be a good communicator and be proficient in how to make a good sale.(/p( (p(A successful Real Estate Sales Agent will be comfortable prospecting new client relationships and networking with other industry professionals. A goal orientated attitude, with a focus on personal development, will help in becoming a high-performing agent. An ability to think quickly and to creatively solve problems are also vital components in order to stand out in your market.(/p( (p(Real Estate Professionals earn money for each transaction they complete. As you make more transactions, you earn more income. After a few years of disciplined work, it's not unusual for a Real Estate Agent to be earning $50000 - $100000 / year or more. The more work you put into establishing a client base, the more money you will earn.(/p( (b(Regulatory Notice: While a real estate license is not required to apply, you must obtain a real estate license before officially being hired. To earn a real estate license you will need to complete real estate classes (online or in-person) offered by an accredited learning institution and pass a state licensing exam. To learn more about the real estate licensing process, apply now and our recruiting team will provide additional details.(/b( (h3((b((b(Job Responsibilities(/b((/b((/h3( (p((/p( (ul( (li(Help clients price their property well and make it marketable.(/li( (li(Communicate with other real estate professionals to increase awareness of the properties in your portfolio.(/li( (li(Research your real estate market and understand the trends of home values in your area.(/li( (li(Consult with clients and answer their questions and concerns before, during and after a real estate transaction.(/li( (li(Mediate communications and negotiations between the home seller and purchaser.(/li( (li(Actively devise marketing strategies to ensure a prompt home sale.(/li( (/ul( (h3((b(About J. Philip Real Estate(/b((/h3( (p(J. Philip Real Estate is Westchester and Putnam County's premier independent brokerage, outselling all other Westchester and Putnam based independents by transaction total since 2016. Founded in 2005, the firm has grown from a sole practitioner to a strong organization of well over 80 associates despite the adverse conditions of the last decade. The team's commitment to results and client advocacy, as well as our focus on technology and innovation, have positioned us as the "go to" brokerage for Westchester, Putnam and surrounding area buyers and sellers.(/p( (p(In 2016, the company closed more transactions than any other Westchester and Putnam based independent for the first time, and the streak has continued each year since. Since that time, the firm has committed a 6 figure investment in training, professional development, and updated technology to serve the clientele together. It won't take long for you to learn why our brand is one of the fastest growing in the area and a market leader for so many years.(/p( (p((b(Working Here(/b((/p( (p(As a broker, we will...(/p( (ul( (li(Empower you by tapping into our vast brand and market presence throughout the community.(/li( (li(Share our supportive workplace culture with you to help you meet your clients' needs.(/li( (li(Compensate you competitively and support you in building your portfolio.(/li( (/ul( (p((b(Our Equal Opportunity Promise(/b((/p( (p(We are committed to fair hiring practices and operate as an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, or nation of origin. We pride ourselves as being exceptional leaders and members of our community and we're committed to treating all our potential employees with the same level of care and respect.(/p( (br( (/div(
J. Philip Real Estate
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J. Philip Real Estate is currently hiring for 8 sales positions
J. Philip Real Estate has openings in: OR, VA, MA, FL, Texas, AL, Idaho, Florida, New Jersey, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, OH, NJ, TX, CA, MN, IL, Massachusetts, LA, RI, PA, MS, NC, MD, MI, WA, DC, CO, OK, NY, AZ, GA, DE, AK, NH, KY, TN, WI, MO, IA, ND, KS, NE, IN, SC, NM, Maryland, CT, SD, MT, ME, NV, WV, HI, ID, UT, WY, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, California, District of Columbia, Oklahoma, VT, AR, PR, & Georgia
The average salary at J. Philip Real Estate is:

11216 Yes (amount not posted)

J. Philip Real Estate
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J. Philip Real Estate

J. Philip Real Estate is currently hiring for 8 sales positions
J. Philip Real Estate has openings in: OR, VA, MA, FL, Texas, AL, Idaho, Florida, New Jersey, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Kansas, OH, NJ, TX, CA, MN, IL, Massachusetts, LA, RI, PA, MS, NC, MD, MI, WA, DC, CO, OK, NY, AZ, GA, DE, AK, NH, KY, TN, WI, MO, IA, ND, KS, NE, IN, SC, NM, Maryland, CT, SD, MT, ME, NV, WV, HI, ID, UT, WY, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, California, District of Columbia, Oklahoma, VT, AR, PR, & Georgia
The average salary at J. Philip Real Estate is:

11216 Yes (amount not posted)